The kids also had fun with their cousins and friends. Addi and Jane are playing more and more with each other. Cace and Will really get along well most of the time. They enjoy building small forts like the one at right. Silly boys.
Zack LOVES to play on the computer!
Addi is just sooooo cute! She really knows how to cheese it up for the camera, too! She loves any kind of candy or sweet and when she gets it, she downs a whole cup of juice in just a few minutes. Her hair is long enough to do pig tails and a little pony tail up top but Addi doesn't let anything stay in her hair for long.
We love Will but he just has his moods where nothing will make him smile. Here is one of them. He wants to be so independent these days but still wants Mommy to help him with everything, all at the same time.
On Friday March 15, Zack didn't have school due to the end of 3rd quarter. Jaki invited her siblings to go to the zoo. Cassi, Jason, and Rylan joined as well as Russell and Rand, although Rand didn't let them stay with the group for long. He kept going so Russell just went with him.
At one point, Zack, Rylan and Jason ran up ahead of Jaki and Cassi and about 5 minutes went by while Cassi and Jaki searched and searched for the lost boys. They were about to tell a zoo worker when Cassi spotted them. Zack was scared but Jason and Rylan didn't seem to notice much. They didn't leave the group after that.
Just love that smile!
Riding the carousel. Addi and Will had fun sitting in the peacock, while Zack rode on a frog and was having fun with the boy on the animal next to him.
Addi is all about shoes and jackets. She loves to put the shoes on and off her feet. She will find any shoe that is left out and put it on if she can. She found Will's shoes and jacket and put them on with a little help. Her favorite thing to say is 'shoe'. She will point at her foot and say 'shoe' if she wants them on, if they are on, or just to say it. She also knows most of her body parts and is even starting to show interest in the potty.
A couple weeks after visiting the zoo we had some wildlife in the field. This is a very large cat, we think a cougar or possibly a jaguar. It was on the other side of the field and was just huge! It seemed to be close to Kip's size. We have since seen a couple of regular house cats in the field and this cat was definitely much, much bigger.
It seemed to be either eating something or just had it's head in a hole in the ground. It's head kept moving up and down slightly until it decided to leave. We weren't entirely sure what it was until it got up and walked into the trees. We didn't have the camera ready so we didn't get a picture of it moving into the trees. Scary!!!
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